Factsheet: Health and Safety Organisations – structure and Training
What the law says
Structuring health and safety work:
- For businesses with 10 or more employees, a Health and Safety Organisation is required.
- All employees, except CEOs and managers or those who work less than 10 hours a week in an office setting, must be included in the count when a business establishes whether or not it needs a Health and Safety Organisation.
- For businesses with 10 employees or fewer, a Health and Safety Organisation is not a requirement, but cooperation in health and safety work is needed.
- By working with employees and managers, employers determine how many Health and Safety Groups are required according to a proximity principle. This takes into account:
The business’s structure, size and location, geographical considerations, risks and issues to do with the working environment, different forms of employment and other considerations that might affect the work of the Health and Safety Organisation.
- For businesses with 10-34 employees, at least one Health and Safety Organisation is required including an elected Health and Safety Representative, and an appointed Health and Safety Manager with the appointed manager (or the employer himself) as chairman. The appointed manager represents the employer and must have the authority to act on behalf of the employer in relation to health and safety issues.
- For businesses with 35 or more employees, the requirement is one or more Health and Safety Organisations and a Health and Safety Committee.
- For businesses with 1-2 Health and Safety Groups, the Health and Safety Organisation consists of members of the Health and Safety Group(s) and a Management Representative.
- For businesses with more than two Health and Safety Groups, the Health and Safety Representatives and the Health and Safety Managers appoint two members from the Group(s) to serve as Health and Safety Representatives on the Health and Safety Committee.
- The employer or a representative thereof handles the Management Representative position.
- Employees elect the Health and Safety Representative(s), and the employer appoints the Management Representative(s).
- The term of office of Health and Safety Organisation members is two years. The employer and employees can agree upon an extended period ahead of the election, however, the longest period is four years.
- All new Health and Safety Representatives and Managers, who become members of the Health and Safety Organisation, must complete the mandatory Danish Occupational and Health training course. Employers and CEOs are not required to attend the training course. Employers are responsible for offering all new Health and Safety Representatives and Managers two days of supplemental training during their first year in post. The two days of training must also be completed within their first year in post. All Health and Safety Representatives and Managers in the Health and Safety Organisation must be offered 1½ days of supplemental training every subsequent year.
The employers’ responsibilities
- If there are more than 10 employees, establish a Health and Safety Organisation.
- Cooperate with employees in establishing the Health and Safety Organisation.
- If a restructure takes place, the Health and Safety Organisation should be involved.
- Appoint the Management Representative(s) and make sure an election is held for the Health and Safety Representatives. This election is exclusively for employees.
- Make sure that the newly elected Representatives attend the mandatory Danish Occupational and Health training course and that the other Representatives are offered supplemental training.
- Make sure that the Health and Safety Organisation serves its purpose.
- Make sure that the Health and Safety Organisation members have the necessary time and resources to complete their health and safety work.
- Make sure that all employees are able to contact their Health and Safety Representative and can discuss working conditions during working hours.
- Hold the Annual Health and Safety Discussion.
The employees’ responsibilities
- Run for Health and Safety Representative at the next election if you’re interested in preventive work regarding health and safety at your workplace.
- Contribute to a good working environment by complying with rules and instructions.
- Make your Health and Safety Representatives or employer aware of health and safety issues.