Overview: Facts and information about the working environment
In Danish workplaces there is a whole range of regulations concerning the working environment. The law says that it is the employer who must make sure that good working conditions are maintained from a health and safety point of view.
This must be done in close cooperation with employees. Everyone in the workplace has a shared responsibility for following the rules and making sure there is a good physical and psychological working environment.
On this page you’ll find a number of factsheets and brochures in English about the most important topics concerning the working environment.
Covid-19 and the workplace environment
- Facts, tools and useful links: Useful resources and direct links to the most important rules and guidelines from the central authorities on how best to handle the corona crisis and prevent infection.
Guides and general information
- Guide: How to prevent and manage conflicts (coming soon)
- Guide: Homeworking
Sector guides - formal guidelines
- Sector guide: Risk assessment (APV)
- Sector guide: Working with computers
- Sector guide: Computermouse